Ozaukee County Demonstration Farm Network
Grain Seminar: ​March 10-11
Roche Grain Farm
N3339 Roche Rd
Columbus, WI 53925
AGENDA coming soon!
Dairy Seminar: March 13-14
Le Panto Banquet Hall
350 E. Seven Hills Road
Port Washington, WI 53074
AGENDA coming soon!

For Grain Seminar - Contact Anthony Peirick peirick0583@gmail.com
For Dairy Seminar - Contact Katie Vogeler
Soil Health
Ozaukee County and Dodge County farmers and partners are happy to host
for 2 courses, 2 days each, featuring GRAIN and DAIRY!
This will be our most advanced Soil Health and Biology event ever hosted in Southeast Wisconsin! You will delve into the science behind HOW soil health impacts Grain and Dairy operations in their own way.
Attend one, or both, academy's and enjoy the networking of farmers from across the Midwest.
Advanced soil health knowledge
Small group setting for in depth discussions
3 inclusive meals and evening social!
EARLY BIRD PRICING: $300 through Valentines Day 2/14/2025
REGULAR PRICING: $350 until event date
Pre-Registration Required, Credit Card Only, day of payments will be directed to the link below!
For further online payment questions, contact Katie Vogeler
The Ozaukee County Demonstration Farm Network ("Ozaukee Demo Farms") is a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) project designed to showcase and demonstrate leading-edge conservation practices that improve Great Lakes water quality by reducing phosphorus from entering Lake Michigan through Sauk Creek, Sucker Creek & the Milwaukee River.
The Ozaukee County Department of Land & Water Management and the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service are tackling this effort in cooperation with Clean Farm Families, a farmer-led conservation organization.
The major focuses of Ozaukee Demo Farms are: Improving soil health & condition, encouraging innovative land management that reduces costs and increases profits and improving the conservation systems used to reduce non-point source pollution.
Keeping the ground and surface water that flows into the streams and rivers that feed the Great Lakes clean is the top priority for the farmers of the Ozaukee County Demonstration Farm Network.

"Through this collaboration and funding, we can publicly highlight the most effective conservation systems that have the greatest environmental and economic benefit"
- Angie Doucette, American Farmland Trust

Demonstration Network Objectives
Establish up to four Demonstration Farms within Ozaukee County to test the effectiveness of current and innovative conservation systems as they pertain to nonpoint pollution control in those unique landscapes.
Establish an efficient and effective mechanism to provide the transfer of technology and information on the effectiveness of conservation systems to the end-users, land management agencies, agribusiness and the public.
Create opportunities for others including resource, environmental and research agencies and agribusiness to test research, technical assistance and program implementation on the demonstration farm sites.
Create and implement an information/outreach strategy to share information and lessons learned to other natural resource managers, researchers, and stakeholders throughout the Great Lakes basin.