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Cover Crop Plot Day- October 17, 2023


Lake Breeze Farms in Port Washington has been dabbling in the use of cover crops for a few years and 2023 was no exception, even in the face of a debilitating drought across the state. In order to showcase the success they've had in establishing cover crops, a field day was held at one of their plots located along County Hwy KW.

There were a number of topics discussed including cover crop biomass test results, the importance of treating a cover crop like a cash crop (with a goal in mind), establishment of frost seeded clover, cover crop species selection, lessons learned on airseeder applications, an aerial application via drone, and so much more!

Today's free event was another PERFECT example of how important collaboration and partnerships are in spreading the word about what works, what doesn't, and what can be approved upon. Not only is it important to learn at these events from the speakers and presenters, but even more so from your peers around you. Thank you to all in attendance and for the great discussions!

Please stay tuned to our Website and Facebook page to be in the loop on what other great events are planned in the future:

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